Jamma Jango

5 Ways To Keep Your Kids Busy & Engaged This Summer

5 Ways To Keep Your Kids Busy & Engaged This Summer

Bring on the long days in the sun, full of activities, learning, and family bonding. Sleeping in, being lazy, or playing video games all day? While there’s certainly a time for relaxation, it shouldn’t be done all summer.

You want your children to be active and healthy this summer and for them to keep developing. When you teach kids Spanish, this can be a creative outlet that encourages development and learning. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss why to teach kids Spanish, along with four other ways to keep your kids active and engaged this summer. If you need tools to teach kids Spanish, such as language-learning programs, then you can count on Jamma Jango. Shop with us today!

Visit The Library

The library is a treasure trove of fun and learning. While at the library, your child can make friends, learn new skills, develop a love for reading, and more! Whether you’re looking for bilingual Spanish books or simply want your child to find a genre that speaks to them, visiting the library will be a productive activity this summer.

Learn A New Language

What better time for your child to learn a new language than when they have plenty of time and energy (read: summer). When you teach kids Spanish, they’ll expand their worldview and improve their language abilities (in both Spanish and English). If you’re interested in elementary Spanish or Spanish preschool for your child, then this summer could be a great time to get a headstart.

Play Language-Learning Games

The above tip — learning a new language — doesn’t have to be boring! For example, we don’t expect your 7-year-old to sit down with your Spanish textbook from college and soak it all in. Instead, fun language-learning games will be instrumental! Here at Jamma Jango, we offer language-learning programs, including fun flashcards and games that can be used to reinforce your child's Spanish or Mandarin Chinese language learning.

Visit Local Parks

Your child still needs to have fun this summer! And while they may love their new language-learning games, they’ll need a break from learning to just be a kid. Instead of holing up in the house to watch a movie or play video games, though, your children can go to local parks or a rec center to use their energy in a productive, healthy way.

Enroll In Summer Camp

Summer camp is a great way to make friends, learn new skills, and try new activities — you could even find a summer camp that teaches kids Spanish! Try to find a summer camp that caters to your child’s interests or potential interests, such as athletics, cooking, or even STEM activities.

Teach Kids Spanish With Jamma Jango

If you’re eager for your children to learn another language, then you’ll need language-learning games on your side. Here at Jamma Jango, you can easily teach kids Spanish with the help of our language-learning programs that include fun games, stickers, and educational information. Whether you want to teach kids Spanish or Mandarin Chinese, our language-learning programs are what you need. Shop with Jamma Jango today!

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